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Try These 4 Ways to Refresh Your Brain During Work

Most people must have experience feeling unenergized at work. It happens every time, especially we had not enough sleep or were just really tired.

We feel you! But worry not, we have some ways to refresh the mind and body, and fight those deadlines!


1. Start by listing down simple & detailed works

Writing down what you have to do in a day can help your mind sorts which one to do first. You can do this handwritten or through apps on your gadget. Try to keep it simple. By keeping it simple pushes you to finish it all and when each one is done would feel like a small reward.

2. Closing your browser tabs

We know the struggle, when you are working on fire and keep opening new tabs every time an idea pops up and at the end, it messes your head. Try closing unnecessary tabs. It refreshes the brain and works everytime. It’s like throwing away paper balls from your desk.

3. Schedule your work & rest time

If you’re having trouble staying focused, try the pomodoro technique. It’s a timer where you allow yourself to work for 25 minutes, then have a short break for 5 minutes. After 4 cycles, you’ll be given a long break for 15 minutes.

Here are some free pomodoro timer apps that you can try:

- (online)

- Tadama (Mac)

- Focus To-Do (Windows, Chrome extension))

- Forest (App Store & Play Store)

4. Stretching

Sitting for quite a while stiffens your body, so don’t forget to stretch your body every hour. It refreshes the mind and makes us more awake. Start from the top. The key is to really feel each part of the body when you stretch it.


Do you have other hacks? Comment down below and tag a friend to try it out at the office!

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